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Classes We Offer

Here at Kong Hoi Kung Fu Association - Troy we offer a wide range of classes for a wide range of ages and abilities. We have a class for you! Sign up for one of our 2 Day Trial classes and see for yourself.

Little Dragons 5-7 yrs

This class offers our young ones wanting to get into the martial arts a chance to build firm foundations both physically and mentally. Kids this age need to learn balance and coordination, develop strength, achieve the ability to follow directions and be self-motivated. Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Goal Setting and Achieving, Improved Learning Skills and many other benefits are what we are teaching at Kong Hoi Kung Fu Association – Troy for this age along with a foundation of self-defense and growth in martial arts. Get your Little Dragons started on the right foot by choosing to attend our humble kwoon.

Dragons 8-13 yrs

Dragons who have made to this age level continue and expand on the teaching from before. Both veteran and new students learn more empty-hand forms, weapon forms and sparring, all which are introduced at this level. More responsibility is asked of the group. We also seek out those that are leaders and cultivate them to be better leaders in the class and ultimately in later life. As with our Little Dragons, Kung Fu offers so many benefits to your child. Check out the Ten Reasons Kids Benefit from Learning Kung Fu on the Kwoon Info and FAQ page.

Youth Dragons 14-17 yrs

Most Youth Dragons have aged up from our younger dragon classes and may be intermediate or advanced. These youth provide help and guidance to the new youth members joining our kwoon. Leadership and responsibility are key points here as well as the other items mentioned above. Below is a statement from one of our youth dragons and future leaders:

“Growing up, the kwoon was like my second home. It was here that I learned not just kung fu, but about life. It instilled me in values like discipline, respect, and perseverance. Over the past seven years, I've learned things that I wouldn't have learned without kung fu. I learned how to keep balance in my life, how to treat others, and how to be a better person…And when I look back at old pictures and memories, it reminds me of how far I've come and how proud I should be of myself.”

She continued to say; “Kung fu is a part of who I am. It's not just something I do, it's the person I am. It influences my actions, my decisions, it's the key to who I am as a whole. I continue to train because it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Each training brings me new insights about myself and my capabilities. I wouldn’t be the person I am if it weren’t for Kung fu, and more specifically, Lai Tung Pai. It's not just a hobby or an after-school activity for me, it is who I am and who I want to continue to be.” A.K. 15 years old.

We are so proud to have you be a part of our kwoon!

Adult Beginner/Intermediate Kung Fu 18+

Here adults who join our Kung Fu class train with adults of all ages and up to intermediate ranks. Each syllabus details what you are to be learning and working on each level. Students also have the advantage of having Assistant Instructors, Instructors and the Sifu to help you out with your training.

Adult/Youth Beginner/Intermediate Tai Chi 16+

This class offers its participants the opportunity to learn the very obscure Lai Tung Pai Tai Chi. Students start out with the basic 5 Element form learning principals of balance and intentional movement and acquire other skills necessary to take them further in the curriculum. We have beginner, intermediate and advanced forms of Tai Chi that you can learn once you begin and advance to newer and higher levels of your training.

Advanced Kung Fu/Tai Chi

This class is reserved for those that have reached their perspective advanced rankings. Years of training have taken place and this rewarding class dives into the applications and theory of the Lai Tung Pai art.

Instructor and Leadership Development

This class is dedicated to building future leaders in our kwoon and style of Lai Tung Pai, as well as leadership in the modern world. The responsibility of teaching the art correctly and the ability to dedicate one’s time to others at this is a primary focus.